Classification of high technology

The sorting center works with high-tech equipment Mobba and plays important roles in the chain.

When the eggs enter the facility, it proceeds to perform a manual selection to throw away the dirty and broken eggs. Those which are in good condition go through an UV disinfection system that uses ultraviolet beams against salmonella.


Subsequently, a camera scans eggs to eliminate those which are cracked and eventually, a machine called crack detection finds possible microcracks, which are not perceptible to the human eye and separates damaged units.


Overcome these controls, we mark the eggs with the exploitation code, classify them by weight and pack them. Pallets are normally placed in 11,880 eggs or boxes of 360 eggs, which form a pallet.

These are the weight of classification that we handle:

  • XL: more than 73 grams.
  • L: between 63 and 73 grams.
  • M: between 53 and 63 grams.
  • S: less than 53 grams.
  • Campers Eggs

When the egg is packed, it goes on to a few stores of controlled temperature in order to retain its properties until distribution.


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